Can Osteoporosis Lead To Hearing Loss?


Osteoporosis is not just a disease that affects your bones. Research has shown that it can impact whether you develop hearing loss. If you are at risk of developing osteoporosis, here is what you need to know about its link to hearing loss.

What Is the Link Between Osteoporosis and Hearing Loss?

There are several theories on why osteoporosis can increase the likelihood of developing hearing loss, but researchers have not found a definitive link. One belief is that osteoporosis can also impact the cardiovascular and circulatory systems. The condition can sometimes cause problems with blood flow.

The reduced blood flow could result in a lack of nutrients being carried to the ears. Without those nutrients, the ears could be more vulnerable to infections and other problems that could result in hearing loss.

Regardless of the cause of the link, it is important that you take steps to prevent osteoporosis if you are at risk of developing it.

How Can You Prevent Osteoporosis?

One of the first steps you can take to protect both your bones and ears is to recognize whether you are at risk of developing osteoporosis. There are several factors, including age, gender, and family history. Race even plays a role in whether you develop the disease. Talk to your family doctor to learn if you are at risk.

Reducing your risk can be as easy as exercising on a regular basis. Maintaining flexibility and mobility can help alleviate the risk. You should also cut back on the salt in your diet. A higher sodium intake can increase the amount of calcium loss your body experiences.

What About Your Hearing?

Protecting your hearing health is of the utmost importance if you want to reduce the likelihood that you experience hearing loss. Taking such steps as wearing earplugs in loud environments and not using cotton swabs in your ears can help.

Regular hearing examinations is also necessary. If there is a problem detected, early treatment can help slow or stop the progression of hearing loss. Your audiologist might recommend the use of a hearing aid to help improve your hearing.

If a hearing aid is recommended, you need to wear it as directed by your audiologist. If not, the full benefits of having the hearing aid will not be experienced.

Talk to your audiologist to learn of other ways you can protect your hearing. He or she can also provide recommendations for dealing with any other hearing-related problems you are experiencing. Doctors like Mark Montgomery MD FACS can help.


19 July 2017

Learning About ENT Specialists

Hello, my name is Marissa Johnson. Welcome to my website about visiting ear, nose and throat, or ENT, specialists for infections and allergies. When I was a young kid, I developed ear infections every month or more. The infections were extremely painful and did not respond to traditional treatment methods. My parents and I worked closely with an ENT specialist to end the ear infections for good. On this site, I will explore the methods ENT doctors use to treat infections and allergies. You are welcome to visit my site on a regular basis to learn more. Thank you for coming by.