What You Can Expect With Balloon Sinuplasty


Balloon sinuplasty is an option for people with sinusitis that prevents proper drainage. These devices push open swollen sinus walls to promote better drainage, better breathing, and fewer infections. Balloon sinuplasty is very different from traditional sinus surgery and is a good option for people who need to recover quickly and who do not like the idea of tissue being removed.  A Much Easier Recovery Traditional sinus surgery is highly invasive.

7 December 2022

Is It Time To Take Your Child To A Pediatric ENT?


Ear, nose, and throat problems are rather common in kids. Most children get an ear infection or a cold now and then. In most cases, their pediatrician can diagnose and treat the condition. However, there may be times when you need to take them to a pediatric ENT for more specialized care. Here are some signs your child should see a pediatric ENT. Repeated Ear Infections An occasional ear infection isn't anything too unusual for kids.

21 March 2022