Two Sleep Apnea Surgeries You May Need


If you have a severe sleep apnea condition and have decided that surgical intervention is right for you, then you will need to meet with an ENT professional who specializes in sleep apnea procedures. In some cases, a single procedure will not be enough to treat the condition, so multiple surgeries will be completed instead during a single operation. Keep reading to learn about two of the more common surgeries that may be completed together.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty Surgery

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is one of the most common sleep apnea procedures that involves the removal of soft tissues that sit along the back of the mouth. This opens up the airway so you can breathe more easily at night. The removal also makes it so that soft tissues cannot fall backward to obstruct the airway as significantly as they have been. 

During the UPP procedure, your surgeon will target the tonsils, uvula and soft palette. In some cases, a more intensive surgery will be completed where the soft palette muscles are repositioned. This helps to tighten and firm the area so obstructions are less likely. 

UPP surgeries are typically traditional ones completed with scalpels. However, your sleep apnea professional may also decide to use cauterization tools to both remove and seal tissues that are causing obstruction problems.

Genioglossus Advancement Procedure

One thing that can cause obstruct your airway while you sleep is your tongue. Specifically, your tongue falls backward while you sleep and it stops air from moving into the airway properly. While you cannot stop gravity and the position of the tongue while you sleep, a physician can move the tongue forward a bit so it will obstruct the airway far less than it currently does.

Moving the tongue forward means detaching and reattaching the genioglossus, which is the structure that attaches the tongue to the lower palette. The procedure is not a simple or easy one, because it involves cutting a portion of the lower jaw bone and the movement of this bone. This is one reason why it may be completed after you heal from the UPP procedure.

Keep in mind that you may need to use CPAP devices after your surgical operations while you heal. This is the case due to swelling, but you can soon stop using them once your doctor completes a thorough inspection and determines that you have healed fully and properly. 

If you want to know more about sleep apnea procedures, speak with an ENT specialist. The professional can work out a specific treatment plan that meets the needs of your condition. 


26 July 2017

Learning About ENT Specialists

Hello, my name is Marissa Johnson. Welcome to my website about visiting ear, nose and throat, or ENT, specialists for infections and allergies. When I was a young kid, I developed ear infections every month or more. The infections were extremely painful and did not respond to traditional treatment methods. My parents and I worked closely with an ENT specialist to end the ear infections for good. On this site, I will explore the methods ENT doctors use to treat infections and allergies. You are welcome to visit my site on a regular basis to learn more. Thank you for coming by.